"Those who are content with your desert shall be yours"
Future Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu, regarding Antalya Deputy Serap Yazıcı Özbudun, who resigned from her party, joining the AK Party, said, "You can turn the political climate into a desert with your lack of principles and your empire of fear. We will continue to plant seeds of love and value even in these deserts. Those who are content with your desert should be yours; those who tirelessly and tirelessly plant seeds of morality in the desert should remain with us."
Saadet Party Chairman Mahmut Arıkan, Future Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu and DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan spoke at the New Path group meeting in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Davutoğlu recalled the AKP's congress held over the weekend and evaluated Serap Yazıcı Özbudun's joining the AKP without naming her.
Davutoğlu said, "They sent the message with this congress, 'Don't talk to us about political moral principles, we will make everyone like us with the power we have. We will condemn those who join us to unprincipledness.' Our response to this message is clear and obvious; we will never be like you. No matter what the cost, we will remain ourselves and continue to live and make others live the values we believe in. You can turn the political climate into a desert with an empire of unprincipledness and fear. We will continue to plant seeds of love and value even in these deserts. Let those who accept your desert be yours; let those who tirelessly and tirelessly plant seeds of morality in the desert remain with us. Finally, I am aware that a personal message is also being conveyed to me at this congress. You have made a move to wear down the honorable heritage of Şehir University with a symbolic step. In this way, you think you will intimidate me with the message, 'We will make even our most ambitious opponents fall into line, make them forget their claims and make them serve us.' I know you; but you do not know me. "I know your intentions and my response to this message is clear; I have not given up, I am not giving up, I will not give up," he said.
BABACAN: THE OPPRESSIONARY MENTALITY IS BACKDEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan also said that February 28 was a black mark in the history of Turkish democracy and that they have not forgotten it. Babacan said, "The events of those days are still before our eyes as if they were yesterday. We have not forgotten those days, and we will not forget them. We have not forgotten the tutelage centers that derive their power from the treads of tanks. We have not forgotten those who belittle the nation and ignore the national will. We have not forgotten the treatment of those who cover their heads only because it is a requirement of their religious belief. We have not forgotten the discrimination and tyranny applied to women. We have not forgotten the putschist mentality that wants to come out on top and crush those below by saying 'February 28 will last a thousand years'. However, we have not forgotten our teacher Necmettin Erbakan, who stood tall against all kinds of threats and pressure and put up a really tough fight. I would like to share the following excerpt from his words from that day with you; 'That era is over, the game of 'you will think the way I want' using anarchic events as an excuse will not work. We will definitely ensure this. In this country, there will be a right to think this way. There will be freedom in Turkey as much as there is in all Western countries." He said this years ago. Unfortunately, what he said then is still valid in the conditions we find ourselves in today. Woe to those who criticize the government, don't they point the judicial stick at the business world for expressing their opinions? Aren't democracy, law and human rights trampled? Aren't journalists, artists and business people arrested for thinking differently? Years have passed and the rulers have changed, but the oppressive mentality has returned," he said.
Saadet Party Chairman Mahmut Arıkan also stated that the history of the Republic is also a history of coups, saying, "The 60 coup, the 71 memorandum, the 80 coup, the February 28 post-modern coup and finally the July 15 treacherous uprising; our democratic life has been interrupted by coups almost every 10 years. One of the most insidious and dirty of all these coups is the February 28 coup. Because with the February 28 coup, not only democracy but also the future of this nation and this country was stolen."
Arıkan stated that Turkey should act with a new understanding and said, "In political language, common sense and dialogue should be the basis, not conflict and tension. In domestic politics, we should act with mercy and justice, not anger. Waste and corruption should definitely be prevented. The treasury should be protected, and the rights of the poor should be protected. A transparent, uncompromising, honest management approach should be put forward. Mobilization should be initiated for national, strong, rapid and widespread development in the economy. Priority should be given to the necessary infrastructure and investments for an economy that produces, not consumes. Despite all our calls, the government is doing the exact opposite. 'I will either transfer the mayor I cannot get elected or appoint a trustee. I will either commit a reputation assassination on the deputies who are not with me or I will transfer them. I will either throw those who do not think like me into prison or silence them.' That is why Turkish politics is trapped in a toxic atmosphere. I would like to congratulate Mr. President on one issue. He used the phrase ‘toxic democracy’ very accurately over the weekend. Today, there is a toxic democracy in Turkey. A democracy where every dissenting voice is silenced, the judiciary is used as an instrument for political executions, where every day starts with a new trustee, where political party leaders are thrown in jail is, of course, a toxic democracy,” he said.